Why I’m NOT Part Of The Star Wars Fandom Menace (Even Though I Think Disney Star Wars SUCKS)

Tony Banks
5 min readJul 2, 2020


The Fandom Menace is a group of YouTubers and various others on-where else!-Twitter who claim to be against what Disney has done to the Star Wars franchise. Although I agree with their overall sentiment about Disney Star Wars, I still don’t consider myself to be a bonafide member of their ugroup.

Before I go any further, let me just state here that, like I just said, I think Disney has done a piss-poor job with the Star Wars franchise, especially where the movies are concerned. Although they started out promising with The Force Awakens-which has admittedly NOT aged very well (and it being a blatant rip-off of the very first SW film didn’t help!)-and Rogue One (which is arguably the best SW film Disney has put out thus far), the franchise has steadily gown downhill starting with The Last Jedi which was not only the most “divisive” SW film ever -next to, of course, The Phantom Menace-it’s one of the most “divisive” films in cinematic history. Written and directed by Rian Johnson, the film seemed to go out of its way to bastardize everything about SW, especially the character Luke Skywalker (milking giant space titties, anyone?), and seemed to be made primarily for a certain group on-again, where else!-Twitter (i.e. the “woke” mob who claim to be the “true” SW fans even though they don’t seem to buy ANY of the merchandise which has led to SW toys and other merch collecting dust on the shelves and helped pave the way for Toys-R-Us’s bankruptcy). Rian Johnson-who derided anyone who dared criticize his film as “manbabies” (or worse) and even told them what to go with themselves during an interview-admitted in an interview how he basically DIDN’T care about the SW story created by George Lucas while writing the script for the film and pretty much just did what he wanted (and it showed!).

Afterwards, SW had its first cinematic flop with Solo that was plagued by costly reshoots and the firing of the original directors and replaced by Ron Howard when the film was reportedly 80% finished. And then, of course, came The Rise Of Skywalker directed by J.J. Abrams-who, of course, directed TFA-and that pretty much killed off the SW franchise (at least the cinematic one). In fact, I think it’s pretty fair to say the ONLY thing saving the SW franchise from completely going under is the show The Mandalorian and especially the character fans have affectionately called Baby Yoda.

The bottom line is, under the, uh-hum, leadership of Lucasfilm CEO Kathleen “The Force Is Female!” Kennedy (who went into virtual hiding after the release of TLJ and its subsequent backlash like a REAL “leader” should), I think it’s also pretty fair to say that the handling of the Star Wars frachise under Disney has all but been a “woke” disaster.

All that being said, I still DON’T consider myself to be a part of the so-called Fandom Menace. Why? Because sometimes TFM tends to act JUST like the “woke” Star Wars “fans” they claim to be against. Case in point: A few weeks ago a girl was attacked on Twitter by members of The Fandom Menace after she tweeted how SJWs-or Social Justice Warriors-had “infiltrated” TFM by pretending to be SW “fans”. Even though she claimed to be a member of TFM she tried to explain that she didn’t mean all members of TFM, they STILL came after her like-you guessed it!-the SJWs would do (and, of course, have done). Frankly, it reminded me of all the times I myself have been trolled by irate “woke” Star Wars (and Star Trek!) “fans” who took umbrage to something I had tweeted about their, uh-hum, beloved “woke” TV shows and movies.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I still watch some of the YouTube videos from members of The Fandom Menace-like that Jeremy from Geeks & Gamers (whose video I, of course, just posted)-and I still agree with much of what they have to say about “woke” Disney Star Wars and other topics (though, of course, not always). But, as with any other group, “woke” or no, in order to be a “member” of said group you have to follow their “groupthink” and, if you DON’T, then they’ll have NO problem coming after you like a shark goes after blood. And the so-called Fandom Menace, at least from what I’ve seen, is NO different in THAT regard in spite of what TFM’s members may say or claim, as was clearly evidenced by their attack on Twitter against that girl. (BTW, I haven’t listed her Twitter username since she’s since deleted her tweet that started all the “uproar” against her by TFM and she undoubtedly doesn’t wish to be hassled about it any longer, which, of course, is perfectly understanable.)

BTW, Jeremy from Geeks & Gamers recently got his account suspended on Twitter. Make of THAT what you will!



Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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