Why I Would Rather Catch An STD Than Watch Star Trek STD!
The last time I got trolled on-where else!-Twitter was when I, uh-hum, responded to a “woke” actor on the new Star Trek show Discovery-known from now on as STD!-who stated in an interview how he was “tired of racists pretending to be Star Trek fans” and further suggested how Star Trek fans irate over STD had an “issue” with a black female as a lead character in a ST show. (Take THAT, Uhura!) I tweeted in, uh-hum, response how I myself was “tired of SJWs pretending to be Star Trek fans.” (SJWs being, of course, so-called Social Justice Warriors.) And, as they ALWAYS tend to do, said SJWs got “triggered” by my tweet and trolled me for DAYS calling me the usual “racist sexist bigot” along with calling me an “incel” which, in “woke” speak, means TERRORIST. (BTW, I also got called an “incel” a.k.a. a TERRORIST when I dared post a tweet mocking the titty-milking scene in the “woke” Star Wars flick The Last Jedi. Go figure!)
In other words, the usual “woke” Twitter bullshit.
Anyway, besides the usual “racist sexist bigot” charges, I was also accused by said STD trolls was how I’d never-not ONE single time!-watched a single episode of any Star Trek show EVER or else I’d know how ST producers Rick Berman and the late Gene Roddenberry how they “interjected” political topics into episodes of ST. While I conceded that Star Trek did in fact incorporate political topics and/or issues into some-but not all-of their episodes. (The rampant “politicization” of STD was one of the “issues” I said I had with the show.) I tried to impart to said STD trolls how, in spite of them interjecting political issues and/or topics in some-but, again, not all-of ST episodes, both Berman and Roddenberry made said episodes-oh, what’s THAT word again?-entertaining, which the producers and/or writers have apparently done little of in STD.
Now, to be honest, I’ve only seen the premiere episode of STD back when they aired the episode on broadcast TV. And, believe me, that was enough to see this show sucked harder than Klingon bath water! I mean, in the first episode alone, we see Klingons who don’t look like-or sound like-Klingons, for one. We also see said African-American female lead character who’s also half-Vulcan and who ends up committing mutiny against the captain-played by the lovely Michelle Yeoh-because she refused to cold-bloodedly slaughter said Klingons.
And that’s just the FIRST episode!
And, judging from some of the reviews of STD I’ve seen, things DIDN’T get much better in the show-in fact, according to these reviews, they got WORSE-as the show included things like an Enterprise that even those associated with the show admitted it was at least 20% “different” than the iconic ship Star Trek fans are used to seeing (due in part to some kind of weird “licensing” deal with differnet studios owning the rights to the TV show and the movies where the two have to be “different” from one another hence a “different” Enterprise and Klingons).
We also got other head-scratching things in STD like Klingons having two-count ‘em!-TWO dongs which STD “fans” have to tried to defend by citing how it was “revealed” in The Next Generation how Klingons had “backup organs”. Of course, it was also “revealed” in TNG how Klingons can “mate” with humans. So, what, Klingons have a dong for each hole? Just curious!
And, perhaps MOsT head-scratching of all, STD showed a younger Spock who’s not only the inexplicable half-brother of the aforesaid mutinous half-Vulcan chick but an emo-type who’s also-wait for it!-dyslexic.
For the record, I really don’t care if anyone, “woke” or not, is a “fan” of this show or whatever else, for that matter. But, what I’d like to know is, why in the “woke” hell do I have to be a “fan” of this show or whatever? And why do these SJWs get so damn “triggered” whenever someone-like yours truly!-tweets something critical of this show and especially gets called a “racist sexist bigot incel terrorist” for daring to criticize this show (or whatever)? The funny thing is, whenever I ask some of these people why they’re “fans” of STD or TLJ or whatever they claim to be a “fan” of they either can’t give you a definitive answer or they actually get upset that you dared asked them to begin with!
As for whether or not I’m a fan of Star Trek. in spite of the accusations made against me on Twatter, I’ve actually been a fan of ST for years, although I will say I’m a bigger Star Wars fan-well, at least until Disney got its “woke” hands into the franchise!-since that’s what I grew up watching. I didn’t really get into Star Trek until I got older and started watching ST movies like the classic Wrath Of Khan. (“KHAN!!!!”) The original Star Trek and The Next Generation being my favorite ST series. I also liked Deep Space Nine, though I thought Voyager didn’t start really getting any good until the “uber” hot Borg 7 of 9 showed up. (Set phasers to BOING!) I also kind of like Enterprise, though it was my least favorite Star Trek show until STD broke out (pardon the pun!).
At the riske of being trolled again, as the title of this piece suggests, I think I would rather catch an STD than sit through an entire season of STD. I mean, at least an STD can be cured with a shot of penicillin (and I’m allergic to penicillin!). I don’t think all the penicillin in the world can “cure” anyone of having watched THIS cheesy-ass “woke” space show!
To paraphrase Capt. Kirk, beam me the fuck outta here, Scotty!