Why I Think Everyone Should STFU About How “Mean” Donald Trump Is

Tony Banks
6 min readFeb 22, 2020


So “liberal” British talk show host John Oliver-whom I’m NOT a big fan of, by the way-recently made a “joke” about his apparent arch-nemesis Donald Trump on his HBO show Last Week Tonight, which was:

Of course he hasn’t learned his lesson! Trump never learns his lesson! This is a man whose first-born child was Donald Trump Jr., and he kept having children!

I’m assuming John Oliver, along with Trump’s adult children, was also referring to Trump’s youngest son Barron who, at the time of this writing, is a 13-year-old kid. I got to thinkinf what if Trump had made a similar “joke” about someone’s children either on Twitter or at one of his MANY rallies? If THAT had happened, it would have no doubt been front-page “news” for WEEKS-I mean, we’re STILL hearing about the time he openly “mocked” a disabled reporter-and we would have undoubtedly been subjected to one sanctimonious article after another on any one of the numerous “liberal” sites and blogs such as Slate, Salon and/or The Daily Beast about how “mean” Trump is and what a “bully” he is and blah blah blah blah blah.

In other words, the usual “woke” bullshit.

Of course, I don’t recall ONE of these same “liberal” sites and/or blogs blasting John Oliver about what he had said about his children and how his wives should had (presumably) aborted them, including (presumably) his youngest son who’s, of course, still just a kid. It’s kind of like how they all cheered John’s fellow “liberal” talk show host Samantha Bee-who, like Oliver, was once on The Daily Show back when Jon Stewart was still hosting it-when she called Trump’s daughter Ivanka “a feckless c*nt” when she’s talked about on her show how “great” it would be if “waman” would all just come together in this country. Apparently that ONLY applies to “waman” who agree with Samantha Bee’s “liberal” ass!

Ivanka Trump: “Feckless C*nt” Extraordinaire!

Now, at this point, I can just hear these “liberals” screaming how I’m saying all of this because I’m a big fan and/or supporter of Trump. On the contrary, I haven’t been a big fan or supporter of Trump for years (starting with the time he went to court years ago to try to get an elderly woman kicked out of her home so he could demolish her home and build a parking lot over it). And I’m damn sure NOT a big fan or supporter of some-or many-of Trump’s “detractors” like, of course, John Oliver and Samantha Bee. In fact, a lot of times I “dislike” some-or many-of Trump’s “detractors” a hell of a lot more than I do Trump! I know I’m gonna catch “woke” hell for saying this, but a lot of times I actually find Trump to be a hell of a lot more “entertaining” than some-or many-of his “detractors” like “comedians” John Oliver and Samantha Bee! (And DON’T get me started on Chelsea Handler!)

One thing CH is good at is showing her ass!

As a matter of fact, I really DON’T see much of a “difference” between Trump and some-or many-of his detractors like Oliver and Bee (and Handler!). From what I’ve seen, they can be JUST as “mean” and/or “bullying” as Trump can be. For instance, along with calling Ivanka Trump “the c word”, Samantha Bee also accused another right-winger on her show of having “Nazi hair” when it turned out he had a brain tumor.


Of course, “fans” of John and Samantha (and Chelsea!) would no doubt try to say they were both “just joking” and how their critics should just “lighten up” and whatnot. But, again, whenever Trump “jokes” like this he’s worse than Hitler! And heaven help those who dare say how Trump was “just joking” and/or how his critics should just “lighten up” and whatnot since, according to the “woke” crowd, they’re worse than Hitler too! And, of course, people would likely come back at me with, “But Trump’s the president!” So, in other words, you can get away with talking shit about someone’s kids if they’re NOT the president?

Makes sense to me!

Let me make ONE thing clear: I don’t really care how “mean” or “bullying” people like John Oliver or Samantha Bee or even Donald Trump-and let’s NOT forget Chelsea Handler!-is or can be. (Though, speaking strictly for myself, I tend to draw the line when it comes to “attacking” defenseless kids, but that’s just me!) But, as always, I just CAN’T stand the blatant hypocrisy about all of this. So, if you’re one of those “liberals” or one of these “woke” types who cheered what John Oliver and Samantha Bee (and, of course, Chelsea Handler!) said, please kindly STFU the next time Trump says and/or tweets something you find “mean” and/or “bullying” to someone, OK? OK! Besides, does anyone remember when John Oliver vowed that his show WOULDN’T be about Trump all the time? If not, let me refresh your memory!

I think we’re very anxious to not make it all Trump, all the time — both on a level of interest and on a level of what the human soul can sustain.

Oh, speaking of blatant hypocrisy, here’s a VERY interesting video I found on YouTube about John “Champion Of The Poor” Oliver that, ironically, Mr. Oliver would have most likely condemned on his show “mean rich white guy” Trump for doing:

This kind of reminds me of when Samantha Bee’s “comedian” hubby Jason Jones who once reportedly took “issue” with poor African-American kids being “intergrated” to his and wife’s Sam’s children’s lily-white school which even left-leaning Slate “reported” on:

Now, to be fair, the “fact-checking” site Snopes-which is also reportedly left-leaning (at lesat kind of!)-claimed this was a “false” story. You can, of course, read both articles and decide for yourself, OK? OK!

Oh, speaking of Samantha Bee, she once gave, uh-hum, advice in supposed men’s magazine GQ, including “dating” advice (which, to me, is akin to getting pet care advice from Michael Vick!) where she “advised” men NOT to date women they work with. Which, of course, is kind of odd-and, of course, hypocritical!-considering how she “met” her future hubby Jason Jones while they BOTH worked on the aforementioned The Daily Show!

Again, whoops!

What say YOU about all of this, Sam?

Oh, and does anyone remember back when “comedian” Chelsea Handler tweeted about how people should be ARRESTED for telling “racist” jokes?

“Wouldn’t it be nice 2 have laws here for people who think racism is funny?”

Well, lucky for Chelsea we DON’T have such “laws” in this country because, if we did, she likely would have been ARRESTED after she had her “little person” co-host on her old E! talk show dress up as-wait for it!-HITLER.

A “little person” dressed up as HITLER? That’s Heilarious!

There again, whoops!



Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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