Why I Find Women’s Armpits So Damn Sexy! (And Should Women Shave?)
This might sound weird to some (or many!), but I find women’s armpits incredibly sexy. Like other fetishes I have (and I have a few!), I’m not sure exactly how or why I developed this particular fetish (along with some of my other fetishes!). I think it first got started growing up in the eighties. I remember when the Playboy issue featuring Madonna came out and people went totally and completely ballistic about it, especially since the pics showed a younger Madonna back when she apparently wasn’t aware of the invention of the razor, if you know what I mean! And, in case you don’t know what I mean, here’s an “edited” pic of Madonna’s hairy pits from her Playboy pictorial (since I, of course, can’t post an “uncensored” pic of Madonna from her PB pictorial!):
And, to add to the “weirdness” of my fetish, I don’t care if the armpit-in-question is shaven or unshaven, although sometimes I prefer it to be unshaven! And, while we’re at it, I also have a fetish for unshaven or “hirsute” women. In fact, I wouldn’t really care if a woman looks like Sasquatch from the waist down! Though I do draw the line-kind of!-if a woman is sporting a full Groucho on her face; again, if you know what I mean! And, there again, if you don’t know what I mean, here’s a pic of Groucho Marx:
I think part of the reason for my fetish for women’s armpits is due to the “taboo” nature of my armpit fetish (along with some of my other fetishes!). Plus the fact that women’s armpits are usually kept hidden and therefore there’s a sort of “mystery” to them. Along with looking at women’s armpits, I also, uh-hum, enjoy watching women shaving their armpits like in this “instructional” video on YouTube from Gillette on how women should shave with their Venus razors which shows a close-up of a woman shaving her sexy pit:
Nowadays, with the “woke” culture we currently live in, some women are foregoing shaving their pits altogether as some sort of “feminist” statement (which, of course, might be true considering how when I did a Google image search for women’s armpits I seemed to find MORE pics of women with unshaven pits than shaved ones).
And, since we’re on the subject, here’s another video from YouTube from the show Adam Ruins Everything which purports to show the “history” of women shaving (and I say “purports” to show since they make it seem women shaving is a relatively new thing thanks to companies like Gillette even though women have been shaving their body hair in places like the Middle East for ages):
Like the ARE clip suggests, women NOT shaving their underarms-or elsewhere-is still relatively “taboo” in this society in spite of all the “wokeness” and/or “feminism” that’s out nowadays. And women apparently still feel “pressured” to shave their underarms (and elsewhere), although women are also going unshaved “down there” as well; again, sometimes to make some sort of “feminist” statement.
Now some, especially in the “woke” crowd, would probably take “offense” to a man commenting on whether or not a woman should shave. Like I suggested before, I don’t care if women shave or don’t shave. I know some-or many-men would consider it a deal-breaker if a woman DOESN’T shave. But NOT me! Again, it wouldn’t bother me if a woman didn’t shave a single hair off her body (well, again, except for maybe her face!). And for anyone-male OR female-who would take “issue” with me saying that, all I’ve got to say is they DON’T call it a fetish for nothing!
Oh, before I forget, here’s the link to a piece I posted on the site Commaful a few years ago where I list female celebrities whom I think had the “sexiest” hairy armpits: