Tony Banks
6 min readNov 9, 2020

Why I Don’t Give A F**k Anymore .About Star Wars (Sort Of)

So if The Force IS female, does THIS mean I can do it?

SoifSoAnyone who knows me-which is NOT very many people, I assure you-knows what a HUGE Star Wars fan I am. Or at least I used to be until Disney got its incompetent “woke” hands on the franchise. As most everyone probably knows by know, Star Wars creator George Lucas sold the entire franchise to Disney some years ago for a reported $4 billion (in part because I’m sure he got tired of “fanboys” saying how he RAPED their childhood with the prequels!). At first, Disney’s handling of the franchise seemed promising enough with their first Star Wars film The Force Awakens-which was basically a blatant rip-of of the very first Star Wars film-and Rogue One which many believe to be the best of the Disney Star Wars films.

And THEN came The Last Jedi.

The Last Jedi is without a doubt one of the absolute WORST films I have EVER seen in my life with its inane dialogue, poor characterization and plot holes big enough to fly a fucking Star Destroyer through it. Worst of all, the film blatantly and thoroughly bastardized the character Luke Skywalker (for instance, him tossing his “laser sword” over his shoulder, his attempting to murder his own nephew in cold blood and , of course, that infamous green milk scene). Rian Johnson-who wrote and directed TLJ-called critics of his flick “manbabies” (and worse). Which is rather odd coming from a film director who’s bragged about how he gets off making “polarizing” flicks that piss people off.

Rian Johnson: The Real Life Version Of The Big Giant Head!

Likewise, Lucasfilm, Disney and the Disney-ass-kissing media have ALL blasted fans of Star Wars-and by “fans” I don’t mean the self-proclaimed “woke” fans who claim to love TLJ more than any of the original films-as being “racist” and “sexist” and “bigoted” (and, of course, worse) for daring to criticize Disney’s “woke” SW films, including-and especially-The Last Jedi. And here’s what I say to THAT:

Force THIS!

Now I know there’ll be those who say there are far more important things to harp about than what’s been described as a “space movie for kids”. And, actually, I would agree with them. But what’s going on with Star Wars is emblematic of everything ELSE that’s currently going on in this society with all the “woke” PC BS that’s not only infiltrated SW and other film & TV franchises like Star Trek & James Bond along with other aspects of so-called entertainment but also social discourse (or lack thereof), politics, even sports haven’t been spared from the current “wokeness” that’s infected our society like a bad outbreak of herpes.

As for Disney Star Wars, what you had at the end of the day were a bunch of people who didn’t give a shit about SW making SW flicks. J.J. Abrams -who also called critics of The Last Jedi “sexist”-reportedly didn’t even want to direct The Force Awakens but reportedly did so as a “favor” to Lucasfilm CEO Kathleen Kennedy who reportedly gave J.J. his “start” in the film business (and, of course, it showed). Rian Johnson himself admitted in an interview how he DIDN’T care about the George Lucas story and/or canon when writing the screenplay for The Last Jedi, which, of course, would explain A LOT.

“Fuck Star Wars, you manbabies!”

And, worst of all, you had people using Star Wars to push their own “woke” agenda. For instance, Lucasfilm CEO Kathleen “The Force Is Female” Kennedy who took over as CEO after George sold his beloved franchise-whom he’s called his “children”-to Disney (with George’s apparent blessing). Kathleen infamously told George TO HIS FACE how she wouldn’t radically change the original Star Wars characters. And we all know how well she’s kept THAT promise, don’t we?

At least this video HASN’T come back to bite Kathleen in the ass. (Oh wait . . .)

The end result to all of this is that Star Wars is pretty much a dead franchise. The toys and other merchandise isn’t selling and now only collects dust on the toy shelves (and was reportedly one of the reasons why Toys R Us went bankrupt) in spite of all the “woke” fans who claim to be the TRUE Star Wars fans (unlike, of course, all those “racist sexist bigoted” fanboys). The standalone film Solo-which came out a few months after The Last Jedi-became the first cinematic flop of the Star Wars franchise. And The Rise Of Skywalker, well, The Rise Of Skywalker! The ONLY thing keeping the franchise from completely going under is the character Baby Yoda from the Disney SW TV show The Mandalorian.

“Cute as a motherfucker I am! Yes!”

All of this is why I no longer give a fuck about Star Wars and/or what Disney does anymore with the franchise (and, yes, that includes Baby Yoda!). Let me be clear here: I’m still a HUGE fan of the George Lucas-era Star Wars and will always be (and, yes, that includes the much-maligned prequels which I could write another entire article defending and might just do that later on). As far as I’m concerned, the TRUE ending to the Star Wars films is the ending of Return Of The Jedi-which is my all-time favorite SW film (and I know I’m gonna catch hell for saying THAT!) when it showed all of the original characters celebrating-with the Ewoks, no less!-after the destruction of the Empire. Unlike a lot of the “woke” fans of Disney Star Wars, I was a kid when the very first SW film came out in the late-seventies. SW helped me get through my childhood. And, as Forrest Gump might say, that’s all I’m gonna say about THAT!

“Hello! What’s Star Wars?”

And, while we’re at it, I also no longer give a fuck WHAT they do with other franchises I’ve been a fan of over the years like James Bond & Star Trek. You wanna turn James Bond into a chick? Fine. You wanna turn Spock into some emo-type? Knock yourself out! Unlike what the “wokesters” say on sites like Twatter & Suckbook, I don’t have to watch these films & shows and see ALL the “woke” PC BS they’ve interjected into them. I’ll just watch the old flicks & shows thank YOU very much!

“I bet those prequels are looking pretty damn good right now, huh, fanboys?”

Now, to be fair, I still think The Force Awakens was an entertaining film even if it WAS more or less a blatant rip-off the first Star Wars film. And Solo-which purports to show Han Solo in his early years-wasn’t too bad of a flick (and was certainly a hell of a lot better than The Last Jedi which really isn’t saying very much!). And Rogue One is considered by far to be the best of the Disney SW flicks. In fact, the scene in RO where Darth Vader is slaughtering rebel soldiers is one of my all-time favorite scenes in all of Star Wars. It’s just too bad Luke Skywalker DIDN’T get an iconic scene like this of his own in the Disney SW trilogy. (His “death” scene alone is one of the WORST death scenes in cinematic history as far as I’m concerned!) This just shows what Star Wars under Disney COULD have been (but alas WASN’T)

See what happens when you DON’T hire Rian or J.J. to direct a Star Wars movie?

In any case, may The Force-such as it is!-be with you!And,no, The Force is NOT “female” in spite of what KK and her “woke” defenders says!)

Brain-dead monkeys could have done a BETTER job with Star Wars Than THESE two!

Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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