One Of The MAIN Things On My So-Called “Bucket List” (Making A Horror Movie)

Tony Banks
4 min readOct 23, 2020


One of the main things on my so-called “bucket list” is I would like to someday make a movie.The movie i would like to do would be a horror movie.

The movie would be similar to the Creepshow movies of the 80s based on works by Stephen King.

This was, of course, years before Stepehn King became a “woke” activist on-where else!-Twitter and was known primarily as a horror writer.

Stephen King pre-”woke”!

My movie, like Creepshow, would feature at least 3 or 4 different stories of mine.

Most of these stories I have already published on Wattpad & Commaful such as “The House”-which won CF’s Scream magazine contest last October-“The Troll” and “The Clown In The Woods”.

The movie has the working title of “Evilution” which is the title of a song by the late Ronnie James Dio.

R.I.P. Ronnie!

The song during the opening credits-or at least the one I would like to have-is “Fever Dreams” which is another song by Dio.

I would coincidentally like to include “Evilutin” in the end credits instead of the first (and if you listen to the song you’d see why).

Other songs I would like to include in the film would be songs like “Scared” by Dangerous Toys along with other mostly 80s hair metal songs by bands like Manowar and Helloween.

Manowar WILL kick your ass!

Each story would be introduced by a host named Link who’s a cross between the character Slink from the Sffy show Blood Drive-one of my faves-and the Crypt Keeper from the odl HBO horror show Tales From)The Crypt. (Anyone remember THAT show?)

Slink is ready for his close-up!

There would also be a co-host which would be a talking skull named Head. (Skull. Head. Get it?)


Hello!For the director, I think rocker-turned-horror director Rob Zombie-who directed “house Of 1000 Corpses” and his “Halloween” reboot-would do a good job with this film.

Rob Zombie IS your Boogie Man!

If he couldn’t do it, I think perhaps Quentin Tarantino-who directed “Pulp Fiction” and his “Kill Bill” movies-would do an interesting job.

She’s definitely NOT a fan of Bill!

I would’ve picked director Eli Roth-who directed the “Hostel” horror flicks-but, after that whole “Death Wish” debacle, he has seemingly gone more “woke” like Stephen King.

Charles Bronson would have NEVER put up with this “woke” PC BS!

And, of course, my movie would be anything BUT “woke”!

(Although there would be a story in the film about a female serial killer called ”A Woman’s Touch” that I also posted on Commaful some time back.)

Oh, the horror!

And maybe-just maybe!-there could be a cameo in the film from none other than the Mistress Of The Dark herself Elvira because of her considerable, uh-hum, talents.

Elvira showing off her pumpkins!

And, if I couldn’t get Elvira, maybe-just maybe!-I could include a character who resembles Elvira named Melvira. (Which, of course, would probably be cheaper!)

This film would also be a low-budget film since many of the stories would only have around two or three characters. And some of those characters could be played by the same actor/actress (which,of course, would keep the cost of making the film low).

Now, the question remains, would I ever get to make this movie? Like other things on my so-called “bucket list”, who knows?

But I at least thought I’d put out the idea and see what the universe thought of it.

Well, universe?

You said it, kid!



Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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