Tony Banks
6 min readNov 1, 2020

My Unpopular Opinion: In “Defense” Of Return Of Kings?

Return Of Kings is without a doubt one of the most controversial sites online. The site is headed by a guy who calls himself Roosh V-real name being Daryush Valizadeh-who writes books on dating and/or how to pick up women. Roosh is also listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website as one of their “hateful” people (more non-”woke” facts about the SPLC later on!) and includes quotes attributed to him, including his infamous “rape should be legal” comment of which Roosh has reportedly said he was being sarcastic and/or the comment was made tongue-in-cheek. (And, of course, we all know how much the “wokesters”-including the feminists and the SJWs!-all just LOVE sarcasm!)

“I’m the guy your mother warned you about!”

ROK also features articles on dating and/or how to score with chicks along with articles critical of feminism and other “woke” aspects of modern-day American society. And in today’s “woke” climate of “cancel culture” and #MeToo that is a definite societal no-no. So Roosh recently put his controversial site on “hiatus” since the “wokesters”-including, of course, the feminists and the SJWs he and his site have been so critical of-have made it undoubtedly harder to effectively run his site.

I myself have read various articles on ROK and I have agreed with a lot of what I have read on the site (though, of course, not everything). I have even submitted an article or two myself to the site (which, of course, wasn’t accepted). Anyway, from what I have read on the site, the articles sound like “manly” things and topics you used to read in men’s magazines such as Playboy, Maxim, Esquire and GQ before, of course, all of these publications went full-on “woke” themselves (like, for instance, when Playboy took out all of the nudity in their pages and when Maxim had a short-lived “feminist” editor-in-chief).

And if you can’t “cure” a feminist you can hire them to run (ruin?) your magazine!

You have to wonder WHY the “woke” mob in the media and elsewhere would go out of its “woke” way to condemn-even advocate BANNING-one site and/or the guy who runs that ONE site because it dares disagree with their “woke” ideology when the Internet is dominated by one “woke” site after another like Jezebel, The Daily Beast, HuffPo, Buzzfeed, Vice, Vox, Slate, Salon (which once defended PEDOPHILES), et al, not to mention social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and even Google which pretty much controls what information you generally see whenever you use their search engine, which, of course, is usually of a “woke” nature (not counting, of course, all the PORN searches!). For instance, when you Google “Return Of Kings” the first thing you see is NOT a link to ROK’s site but rather a link to SPLC’s page that lists Roosh V as a “hateful” person. Subtle! But, there again, we currently live in the age of “cancel culture” where the “woke” mob in the media and elsewhere will try to fucking DESTROY you if you dare say anything that even remotely goes against their “woke” ideology.

But they’re trying like hell to MAKE it so!

Some of the attacks I’ve read against Return Of Kings is, as one might imagine coming from the “woke” crowd, pretty ridiculous. For instance, noted “feminist” site Jezebel published an article about ROK titled “Quit Paying Attention to That Vile Troll Website”. And what BETTER way to STOP “paying attention” to something than to publish an entire fucking article about it! Jimmy “Blackface” Kimmel even condemned ROK once or twice on his late night talk show. Which, again, is pretty ridiculous coming from the former co-host of The Man Show!

“ROK is sexist! And now girls jumping on trampolines!”

Return Of Kings actually made national headlines a few years ago when they published an article advocating a “boycott” of the film Mad Max: Fury Road because it claimed it was little more than “feminist propaganda” and whatnot. The “woke” mob in the media and elsewhere came out in droves to denounce ROK all but implying how “slanderous” it was to dare call THIS flick a “feminist” movie and-of course!-denounced them and other so-called Men’s Rights Activists-even though, as far as I know, ROK was the ONLY site to actually advocate a “boycott” of this film-were all “misogynist sexist rapists” for saying so. For instance, Arthur “Jeopardy Villain” Chu penned an article on The Daily Beast about the insipid controversy titled “How MRAs Are Killing The World” or some such “woke” PC BS. (This was, of course, before the proud “male feminist” was caught trying to get himself some non-marital trim on the infamous cheating site Ashley Madison and THEN rather hilariously blamed so-called GamerGaters for posting a “fake” profile on him on the site!) And then, in typical “woke” fashion, the very same “woke” mob that went after ROK with such a”woke” vengeance for calling MMFR a”feminist” flick that should be “boycotted”-when, of course, said “woke” mob advocates “boycotts” of shit ALL the time!-turned right around and actually PRAISED this flick for being a-that’s right!-FEMINIST MOVIE. Go figure!

“Mad Max: Fury Road a ‘feminist’ movie? Preposterous!”

So do I personally feel this Roosh guy IS the modern-day equivalent of Jack The Ripper like the feminist-ass-kissing “woke” media obviously want me to believe? Hardly. What I find to be VERY ironic, hypocritical and, yes, laughable is how some of Roosh’s staunchest-and MOST sanctimonious-critics are themselves guilty of the very SAME “offenses” they’ve accused HIM of engaging in. For instance, the “media president” of “woke” site Vice-which called Return Of kings an, and I quote, “awful misogynistic website”-Andrew Creighton was forced to resign from “woke” Vice after it was revealed he had paid several thousand dollars to a female employee who accused HIM of-you guessed it!-sexually harassing her. Likewise, tthe Southern Poverty Law Center itself was recently accused of engaging in ”racist & sexist” behavior by former staff members and the SPLC’s very own celebrated so-founder Morris Dees was ousted after himself being accused of engaging in-that’s rightQ-”racist & sexist” behavior.

“Do as I say and definitely NOT as I do!”

In any case, I would advise anyone reading this to go check out the Return Of Kings site-which is still up in spite of being on “hiatus”-and decide for themselves what they think of the site instead of relying on “woke” media sites to do their thinking for them be it on ROK or anything else, for that matter. As the late great George Carlin once so eloquently put it: QUESTION EVERYTHING.

R.I.P. George!

As for Roosh V himself, I find it more than a little ironc-and, yes, more than a little hypocritical-that a lot of these “wokesters”-including, as always, the feminists and/or the SJWs-would condemn this guy for “promoting” so-called sexual assault against women while these SAME “woke” people give a virtual free pass to men who have been accused of actual sexual assault against women such as prominent Democrats-and self-proclaimed “male feminists”-like Keith Ellison, Justin Fairfax and “Gropey” Joe Biden. But, then again, it’s been shown time and again how you can pretty much get away with whatever the hell you want to-and, yes, that includes being accused of sexually assaulting waman-as long as you proclaim yourself “woke” enough! (Right, “Gropey” Joe?) And, if nothing else, just remember THIS:

The SJWs should’ve known calling everyone a NAZI would come back to bite them in their “woke” asses!

Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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