My Thoughts On Mitt Romney (& The “47 Percent”)
In what’s perhaps one of the LEAST shocking moments in American political history, President Donald Trump was acquitted in his impeachment trial. And what’s perhaps another LEAST shocking American political moment, Senator Mitt Romney was the ONLY Republican who voted to convict Trump of “wrongdoing” in said impeachment trial.
In the wake of Mitt Romney’s “historic” vote, “liberals” have been coming out of the “woke” woodwork to praise Mr. Romney for (supposedly) voting his conscience, especially after he gave a rather bizarre 9-minute speech about his “historic” vote where he basically said God told him to vote to impeach Trump.
What’s been so interesting-and so hilarious!-about all this praise for the so-called left’s new “American Hero” is how it wasn’t THAT long ago when these very same lefties were denouncing Romney similar to how they now denounce Trump. For instance, back when he ran against Obama in the 2012 presidential election, Romney was roundly denounced as the “racist rich white guy” who drove around with his dog on the hood of his car who professed his “love” of coal and Big Bird. And, of course, who can forget his “binders full of women”!
Ah, memories!
Now all of Mitt Romney’s past “sins” have apparently been swept under the “woke” proverbial rug because, you know, “Orange Man Bad” and all that. But one of Romney’s bigger “sins” I haven’t seen anyone-in particular his newfound “liberal” admirers-bring up was his infamous “47 percent” speech he gave during the 2012 election. Well, it wasn’t technically a speech since he obviously DIDN’T want the public, especially the voting public, to hear it. What happened was Mitt was speaking “privately” to a group of wealthy Republican donors-of course!-when he launched into a tirade about what he thought of “47 percent” of the populace in this country. Apparently one of said wealthy Republican donors taped what Romney said and posted it to where EVERYONE could hear it. And what, exactly, DID Mr. Romney say about what he thought of the “47 percent” of this country’s populace?
I’m glad you asked!
Here is, in part, what “Saint” Mitt said about the dreaded “47 percent” of the people in this country: “There are 47 percent of the people . . . who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them . . . These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. So he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean, that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
Of course, Mitt walked back his comments about the “47 percent” when his comments were made public, but, by then, the damage had already been done. (Not that he had a snowball’s chance in hell of EVER being voted president!) Mitt’s “47 percent” comments were kind of like Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” remark except that, unlike Mitt’s “47 percent” comments, she actually WANTED people to hear what she said. And, like Mitt found out, it’s probably NOT a very good idea to blast “47 percent” of the public, especially the voting public.
Anyway, Mitt Romney has joined the, uh-hum, illustrious ranks of John Bolton-who was, of course, Trump’s National Security Advisor until Trump ousted him-who’s likewise become a “hero” of the so-called left for talking against Trump even though that same so-called left used to demonize Mr. Bolton for being one of the BIGGEST war hawks in Washington. For instance, he was one of the main ones advocating the U.S. invade Iraq (and we’ve all, of course, seen how well THAT has turned out!). And, just recently, he publicly called for “regime change” in Iran even though-like with invading Iraq-that didn’t work out so well the last time this country tried that. (Just Google the Shah of Iran and you’ll see what I mean.) Of course, Mitt and/or John will eventually say and/or do something to make the “liberals” who are singing their praises now hate them again.
Can’t wait!
Another thing that hasn’t been brought up all that much is how Mitt Romney was caught having dinner with Donald Trump when he was trying to get Trump to appoint him Secretary of State (which, of course, didn’t happen). Besides, I don’t need a “moral lecture” from someone like Mitt Romney who’s made the bulk of his money being a ruthless “corporate raider” who has cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of jobs as a result. Which makes it all the more odd to see others such as Bernie Sanders applaud the likes of Mitt Romney for what he said about Trump even though he’s among the very 1% Bernie keeps harping about. This all just goes to show if you want the “woke” crowd to kiss up to you, all you got to do is remember these three simple words:
Orange Man Bad!