How I Was “Targeted” By Twitter

Tony Banks
5 min readJul 30, 2021


You, of course, hear a lot of stories of how a lot of people have been “targeted” by Big Tech sites like Twitter. I myself was recently locked out of my Twitter account after responding to one of Andy Ngo’s tweets about Antifa by saying how if Antifa wanted to punch Nazis in the face they should punch themselves in the face. Twitter accused me of making a direct threat against Antifa. I appealed and they, of course, rejected my appeal. I started this account after they locked me out of my main account for “suspicious activity” after I began posting my YouTube videos on my page. They also cited my new account for “suspicious activity” even though the only tweet I had posted at that point was a link to my YouTube channel. (Do you detect a “pattern” here or is it just me?)

Andy Ngo has been threatened AND beaten by Antifa.

Of course, anyone who spends any time on Twitter at all knows how the site allows “direct threats” against others, including DEATH htreats, all the time on the site without anything happening to that person making those threats. For instance, a few years ago this psycho targeted a transsexual porn star named Vaniity. His Twitter page was filled with homophobic slurs against Vaniity along with tweets where he vowed to hunt her-and her family-down and kill her. Not only was this psycho’s Twitter page NOT taken down in spite of numerous reports against him from Vaniity (and even myself), he was allowed to set up multiple accounts where he continued to make-you guessed it!-death threats against Vaniity. Whereas my Twitter account was locked down within about an hour or so of my making my “direct threat” against Antifa, this guy’s tweets stayed up on Twitter for weeks. His tweets were finally taken down when he deleted them himself and then “apologized” to Vaniity for making those threats against her..

This is Vaniity.

What’s ironic about this, of course, is that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey fashions himself as being “woke”-he’s even been photographed wearing a shit that said #StayWoke-but he also fashions himself as a BIG supporter of the LGBT community.

Yeah, right!

Here’s hoping “get woke & go broke” will SOON apply to Jack Dorsey.

what happened to Vaniity is, of course, NOT an isolated event. Catholic high schooler Nick Sandmann received MANY death threats on-where else!-Twitter after the video of him “accosting” that Native-American faux Vietnam veteran while wearing a MAGA hat was released (and, of course, selectively-edited), including a direct threat from a Disney producer who said he should be thrown through a wood chipper. (But thank heavens he DIDN’T tell him to punch himself in the face!) None of these people had their accounts locked by Twitter and/or were accused of making “direct threats” and/or engaging in “targeted harassment” of Mr. Sandmann (or Vaniity) the way I was against Twitter’s beloved Antifa. Hell, the hashtag #KilllTrump was allowed to “trend” on Twitter for a while even while Orange Man was President!

Maybe Nick Sandmann should have sued Jack along with CNN.

Now, to be fair, Twitter did reportedly “suspend” a few Antifa and pro-Antifa accounts (even though it reportedly did take them a while to do it). Ironically, I had tweeted a few days before my lockout how Twitter will likely BAN you if you dare talk shit about Antifa. A couple of “woke” people, of course, took umbrage to me tweeting that, saying how you can talk shit about Antifa all you want on Twatter and NOT be banned off the site.

Again, yeah, right!

Repeat after me: Antifa GOOD!

Now it probably goes without saying if I had tweeted how, say, the Proud Boys (whoever the hell they are!) should punch themselves in the face instead of Antifa my Twitter account would NOT have been locked. Likewise, if I had not posted videos from my “subversive” YouTube channel my page would also not have been “targeted” by Twitter. The funny thing about that is most of my videos are barely even a minute long!

Just who in the hell ARE the Proud Boys again?

What’s perhaps MOST ironic-and heinous-of all about this is that, according to recent lawsuits, Twitter allows CHILD PORN and/or pedophiles on the site (look up the hashtag #nomap and see what you find). In fact, Twitter reportedly changed its TOS to allow pedophiles to “discuss” their attraction to children and even allow them to post NUDE pics of children in “certain” instances on the site at the reported behest of a few pro-pedophile advocates. (Imagine if Gab or Parler pulled THIS shit!) So, let me get this straight, people discussing their sexual attraction to KIDS and even posting naked pics of them on a site where MANY of its users are in fact kids themselves is OK but someone like ME sarcastically tweeting how a group of masked thugs who’ve actually assaulted-yes, even killed-people needs to be purged. That makes a hel of a lot of sense, Jack!

All these things is no doubt why Twitter has lost MILLIONS of users the past few years. In fact, Twitter announced how they’ve lost SO many users they’re going to stop posting about just how many users they’ve lost. What a wonderful little site you got ther, Jack!


BTW, here’s a link to my YouTube channel that’s apparently SO “subversive” and “dangerous” to decent “woke” society Twitter is trying its damnedest to try to keep it from public view:



Tony Banks
Tony Banks

Written by Tony Banks

Tony Banks writes dirty books under the pen name of Angel Ray that you can, of course, find on Amazon. Twitter username is @SensualNovelist.

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