Why I’m DONE With Being “Anti-Woke”For years I was staunchly-and proudly!-what would be considered “anti-woke”. I regularly posted pieces on sites like Medium and the…Feb 12Feb 12
My New Romance Novel “My Bodyguard”So my newest published romance novel is My Bodyguard written under my pen name Angel Ray. Lydia Swanson is one of the hottest new singers…Mar 18, 2024Mar 18, 2024
My Ongoing Sci-Fi Story Series On WattpadSo for about the past year I’ve been writing an ongoing sci-fi story series on Wattpad titled THE RELIANT. Here is the synopsis:May 9, 2022May 9, 2022
How I Was “Targeted” By TwitterYou, of course, hear a lot of stories of how a lot of people have been “targeted” by Big Tech sites like Twitter. I myself was recently…Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
My Own Experience With So-Called Cancel CultureOne hears a lot these days about so-called cancel culture. Cancel culture is basically when someone claims to take umbrage and/or be…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
Why I Don’t Give A F**k Anymore .About Star Wars (Sort Of)SoifSoAnyone who knows me-which is NOT very many people, I assure you-knows what a HUGE Star Wars fan I am. Or at least I used to be until…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
My Unpopular Opinion: In “Defense” Of Return Of Kings?Return Of Kings is without a doubt one of the most controversial sites online. The site is headed by a guy who calls himself Roosh V-real…Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
One Of The MAIN Things On My So-Called “Bucket List” (Making A Horror Movie)One of the main things on my so-called “bucket list” is I would like to do a movie.The movie i would like to do would be a horror movie.Oct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020